Are you wondering what an Episcopal Church is? What is our mission? What is our vision?
Here are some answers to those questions and more. Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.

What Is The Episcopal Church?
The Episcopal Church (TEC), also called the Episcopal Church in the United States of America (ECUSA),[2][3][4] is a United States-based member church of the worldwide Anglican Communion. The Episcopal Church describes itself as being "Protestant, yet catholic," as in universal. Though some commonly refer to Anglicanism as a Christian movement in its own right, alongside Roman Catholicism, Protestantism, and Orthodoxy,[7] a number of parishes within the Episcopal Church keep many of the high church traditions of the Catholic Church. In 2012, the Episcopal Church had 2,066,710 baptized members, of which 1,894,181 were in the U.S. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Our Mission and Vision Statement
All are welcome
and fed with the love of God - pets too!
St. Martin's Church is handicap accessible
The door to Strauss-Betker Hall is handicap accessible. All bathrooms are not only handicap accessible but large enough to turn a wheelchair around within. There is a wheelchair lift to the sanctuary that contains handicap accessible seating in the center with chairs, spaces for wheelchairs and a moveable baptismal font if needed to provide full access. if you have any questions about handicap accessibility, please feel free to contact Amanda Vandervort.
Who Was Saint Martin of Tours?
Martin was born in 335 AD. At an early age he converted to Christianity. His father, a tribune in the Roman army, insisted that he follow a soldier’s career. Martin joined the imperial cavalry and was stationed in France. In Amiens, one cold winter day, he happened to pass a beggar clad in only a few rags and suffering from the bitter weather. Seeing the poor man’s need, Martin took off his outer cloak and, cutting it in two with his sword, gave half of it to the beggar. That night, Christ appeared to him in a vision, saying, “What thou hast done for that poor man, thou hast done for me.” This experience impelled Martin to devote himself to religion. (The story of St. Martin and the beggar is particularly remembered in our parish through our annual winter coat drive.) After obtaining his discharge from military service, he founded the monastery of Ligugé, the first in France. His monastery had a great influence on the development of Celtic monasticism in Britain. The oldest church in Canterbury is dedicated to St. Martin. In 372 he became Bishop of Tours and served faithfully there for some thirty years until his death.
For further information, see the Wikipedia article on Martin of Tours.
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1095 East Thacker Street
Des Plaines, IL 60016